6 months flew past so quickly. Its my last week in Sweden already. I have mixed feelings leaving for a place which I have grown to be so familiar with. The place, the people, the life, the fun, the work. I will really miss this place. Truly surely.

8 years after being in the university of life and finding the next destination
From left to right: Me, Jan, Lushan, Chow Siang and Junxiang...
Soccer in the school field!
The blooming trees! In less than 10 days!
Finally, outdoor seating in town! The picture below was taken at 9 pm haha! The sun rises at 4 am and sets at 10pm now. How cool eh?
Spring is amazing. Rydsvagen ( where I stay) is bustling with activities. People lying in the sun to sun bath, to watch movie, to do work, to read a book, to play soccer, to bbq, to play volleyball, to play guitar etc. Life just began! This is the exchange I envision .... not lab from 8 am to 10pm every night! More spring/ summer weather to come!