It was at Herrgar'n, organised by the ESN for the new exchange students! Price 80 will know why.

Random shot before the dinner of Germans in the corner. More than 50% of the exchange students are from Germany. They simply love Sweden!
And the group of people singing in front...are the Swedish from the ESN Linkoping. The Swedish really love to sing. They had a song book for everyone, and a survival guide:
If you want the toastmaster to start a song you shout TEMPO! followed by the song number..
A gyckel is a show or performance showed during the dinner. It can be a song, sketch or anything funny. And if you like the perfomance and want more, shout OMSTART! and there they go again and again and again...hahaha
The Germans' turn to sing...look at the number of them!
On the left is guy from Italy, I forgot his name, the Shanghainese girl Wenqi who is doing intern at the hospital here, the blonde Austrian girl Claudia, and behind the one wearing specs, Nicolas from France. All watching in awe at the presentation! Group of Finnish Singing for us now...Did I say singing was their favourite activity?? They should come Singapore for Kbox...
Bree from Liverpool, UK, also on intern at the hospital here as Cardiologist and yes, also born in the year of the dog! She's a Liverpool and wolves fan hahaha :) Ermmm and Marcin from Poland behind(I don't know how come he appeared behind :S)
This is GuGu from Italy, not Gu Gu but GUGU. He likes to eat ice cream, especially during winter HAHAHAHAHA
Thank you ESN! *Applause*
nice blog! I'm also an exchange student at linköping and i think we saw each other few times (at the ski trip for example, i'm on the picture). I'm Emilie from france. That's good to see the events by other peeple point of view.
(just a little piece of information about the spelling : it's "bastien" and "nicolas")
Hi Emilie! Yes I think I know who you are! haha and if I am right you have been to my corridor too ya? Same corridor as Jimmy :) Pardon me for the spelling! :P
Eh CJ, too bad got ppl spoil your picture for you. I tink you know which one I am talking about ahahahahha!
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