Believe it or not, this was the hostel I stayed in! ( No pun intended, the picture proves it)
Don't know why but only Americans stayed in this hostel besides 2 Singaporeans haha. And all were girls except one more American guy.
Main Entrance of the hostel, we were quite disappointed initially was dark, scary and rundown
I live on C and D, pretty decent isn't it? Enough of the boring hostel, let's move on to Vienna proper!
The Austrian Parlament..greater details are found here. A mixture of Greek and Roman style. If you can see the 2 statues sitting...the one carrying the sword is the Greek which represents practical and the one with the book is the Roman, representing the theories.
The parlament entrance is modelled after the Acropolis in Greece. Here I am standing in the Hall of Pillars. Each pillar was transported by horses from Salzburg taking 21 days in the past. Many were destroyed during WWII only the last 2 on the right side are the original copies. In the past it was a meeting place between the very powerful and not so powerful people, not it is for receptions :D but not for tourists of course haha

Seriously I don't even know if I have one with the Singapore flag :D

The Federal Council with veto powers...
Very near the Parlament is the Burg Theatre, where we had a hard hard time finding the BOX OFFICE.And opposite the Burg theatre, we have the Gothic City Hall Rathaus
And now hold on to your breath as we enter the grounds of Hofburg Palace..Amazingly beautiful!
Taking a break by the fountain in the Volksgarten

(To be continued....)
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