This is the main stretch of path across the school. It goes slightly less than 1km i think. Buildings are located on either side of the path...You can imagine how much it snowed before I arrived!
Campus is like a 30 minute walk from the where I stay. The swedish way of labelling the different buildings are A-Z. Buildings are called husets.... and most engineering and orientation classes are held in the C-huset ( I THINK SO ) heh. Below is the K-huset, where you can find 2 computer labs here. Swedish courses are also conducted here for us. The Zenit is the building where all international students will defintely go to... its where you get the keys to your hostels, get ur bills, student card, modules etc! This picture was taken 2 weeks ago when there were much most of the snow is clearing....SPRING IS COMING! YEAH! (RIGHT)
3 Heroes (Junxiang, Teehoon and Weijan) posing in the sub zero temperatures...The real hero was the one holding the camera with his bare hands freezing in the cold! No prizes for guessing who!
This is the sports centre. Every single activity there needs $$$. Gym membership is like 470 SEK ( 1 SGD approx 4.6 SEK ) every month which is ridiculuous even though the building is very nice. The blue trailer sells food, but i have yet to see it open for business. Maybe winter's too cold for him to stay inside hahaha. Heard that one can get a big and cheap burger there, spilt into 2 one for lunch and dinner. BIG AND GOOD.. MUST BUY!
More random shots of LiU!

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